W11: Sketching the Story

W11 |
Saturday morning |
Daniel Winterbottom |
In every sketch lies the opportunity to tell a story. The subject, composition, hierarchy, and related text reveal intimacies and insights, untold narratives and is often a form of advocacy for those marginalized or to reveal other topics the sketcher feels are important. Pen, pencil, and brush are all powerful tools to convey a unique point of view and offer untold perspectives. This session will offer tools of perspective, composition, shading, tone and other graphic techniques to increase the impact and narrative qualities within one’s sketches.
Supply list: Sketch pad, 2b-5b pencils, eraser, pens (micron, razor point, or others), brush and black ink/watercolor (optional)
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Event Details
Date: July 20, 2024
Start time: 09:00 a.m.
End time: 12:30 p.m.
Directions: Check in at Graphite Arts Center at 9 a.m.
Sketcher Fest Artist
Daniel Winterbottom is a Professor of Landscape Architecture at the University of Washington. He has created a range of art from painting, ceramic, sculpture, and drawing. The COVID epidemic rekindled his interest in art. His love of urban wandering led to a spontaneous passion for urban sketching and reportage. Traveling frequently, he has found subjects that reappear from continent to continent while maintaining the local nuances. He is fascinated by natural phenomenon, reflectivity, light and shadow, and disappearance. He was awarded an Urban Sketchers Reportage Grant for 2021 for his project “The Shifting Landscapes of Despair, Hope, Survival and Persistence.”
IG: @koolbreeeeeeze